Definition a freind who is tall pink haired and a guy. if said person is friends with a small muddy blond haired guy then the tall pink haired guy must give them £100 on the small muddy blond haired guys 13th birthday. otherwise the tall pink haired guy will die 1 week after the said small muddy blond guys birthday!
by Laddere January 31, 2020
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"Tall guy problem" is a term used to describe a situation where, during a potentially confrontational or threatening moment, shorter individuals and women tend to avoid getting involved physically. This expectation arises from the assumption that taller guys are generally bigger and stronger, so they are often seen as the ones who should handle such situations. The term points out the stereotype of relying on height and physical strength to deal with conflicts.
Person A: "Did you see the argument at the club last night?"

Person B: "Yeah! Typical tall guy problem. Everyone left it to Tom, the tallest guy, to handle it."

Person A: "He handled it well, though."

Person B: "True, but being tall doesn't mean you're automatically the peacemaker."
by RainOrPeaceMaker July 21, 2023
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