refers to the name of a specific underground Tampa celebrity known for crazy stunts, being intoxicated, and ridiculous behavior.
I saw Sweeney eating at Charlie's Steak House drinking Louis XXI with ballers.
by 813Underground December 21, 2010
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The many arts of being Sweenyed (Depending on situation)
To be Sweeney'd: To have ones food consumed without their knowledge with them returning to the mass disappointment of their food having been consumed.

To Sweeney another: To consume ones food without their knowledge with them returning to the mass disappointment of their food having been consumed.

Dude you just got Sweeney'd: To witness another finding their food has been consumed and making them aware of what has just previously transpired.

Sweeneying: To be consuming another's food without their knowledge.
by thesweeneyed January 9, 2011
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A type of bad breath where you don’t notice it but everyone else does.
Errrm have a mint to sort out your sweeney!!
by Sniffy911 December 6, 2019
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Wife:Have you been eating corn?
Husband: how do you know?
Wife : 'Cos you left a big fucking sweeney
in the bog you lazy bastard....and you didn't wipe your arse either
by qwertyu3 December 5, 2008
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Sucking Bosses cock after he has anal sex with you is called a Sweeney Sweeney
Joe give a Sweeney Sweeney to his boss in in shanty
by 580 S September 21, 2017
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