Any stupid person who needs a swift kick in the ass and maybe to the head.
In sentence:
"You cunt sucking twat waffle!!!"

Whore, slut, prostitute... some really stupid fuck who needs a life or needs to die.
by Flame Fuck January 24, 2009
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1) impartial to having sex with a colleague
2) lack of interest in others problems
Sams Boss - "Sam its come to our attention that are you slamming the office jr, this behaviour is not accepted."

Sam - "na, dont give a cunt suck mate, I intend to continue slamming her."

Ryans neighbour - "your front lawn looks like shit"

Ryan - "I really dont give a cunt suck aye."
by duneidn dayman February 17, 2010
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n. state of being where you dont care about something. kind of the same thing as not giving a fuck or not giving a shit except more extreme.
guy 1: whats up
guy 2: not much
guy 1: wanna do something later
guy 2: yea what?
guy 1: i dont give a cunt suck as long as we do something.
by thatguywiththefaceballs October 2, 2010
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adjective & adverb

a word used usally when you stub your toe or get hit by a bus/train, it can even be used as an insalt on the internet.
Mother Fucking Cock-sucking Fucking cunt ass pussy bitch that bus just came out of no where and hit me
by Shroom5799 September 25, 2017
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Usually is a person you avoid your friends meeting and we call George Glass and actually doesn’t know how to suck cunt
by Titsmcgeeeeee March 4, 2019
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