Some truly amazing beer. Yes it is expensive but it makes up for that in taste. Its great cause it doesn't taste too strong even though it has a high alcohol percentage 5.2%. I love it, have had some good experiences.... like getting drunk with hot soccer players!! woot woot.
Soccer player- Hey why don't you get a Stella?
Me- Ok

Many beers later....

Soccer player- You're hot.
Me- Yeah you too....
Soccer player- Why don't we go look at my car.
Me- Thank you Stella Artois.

So smoooth.
by Beerenthusiast August 21, 2008
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A Reassuringly expensive Lager of 5.2& abv. Turns a fellow from a small biscuit arsed dweeb into a kebab munchin groch, willing to pagger with anyone who doesn't agree with him.
" call forth the power of 9 Stella's and I'll bail you out of the Bridewell if you haven't caused too much trouble "
by John Gaskell March 21, 2004
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Cold ass shit from Belgium! (Good shit)
It Makes you drunk,strong and brave...
You might even fight a nigga or 2!
Very expensive.....
Loved by black people such as myself.
stella artois! My way of life!
Me; Man after a few stella's i beated th living fuck out of that mexican!
Mike; Yea well....he's back standing in front of your door and he brought his 25 cousins with him..
Me; Holy shit!......Got some Stella???
Mike; Ah here it is...sweet Stella Artois,our saviour!
by Bronx-ghetto-my niggazzzzzz February 13, 2008
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A low flavor Lager beer, sometimes served in a funny chalice glass.
InBevs forward modern thinking now provides the free stained white vest in both Mens and Womens Sizes for all your after party needs.
In a typical Pub setting: (read in thick deep accent) "Get me a Pint o' Stella, yes now, you f'in melt!". (Stella Artois)

Someone reading the label: "Stella... Erm......Art'oy'is?? Art'o'is? Art'warr, in't that h'aw they say it on telly?"
by words_of_wisdom January 28, 2022
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A new lager beer released in the UK (2022) with a green label (5% ABV) which is drank by wife beaters who swear and use bad language whilst they do it.
Person 1: Care for a Stella Artois Unfiltered?
Person 2: Hell nah! I don't want to be a wife beater who swears at the same time!
by MrFunny83 April 23, 2022
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