Socc is this one guy that I know he's pretty funny he's pretty good at minecraft and gaming
Oh hey that's Socc
by somerandomkidontheblock March 1, 2021
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Julie: "hey have you met socc?

Jack: "oh yeah! the idiot right?
by ekitten July 10, 2023
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Socc is when you dont feel good so you stay home from school and watch fishing videos on youtube all day.
I'm so socc so now I'm at home watching fishing videos on youtube
by J0seph M0th3r November 14, 2019
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"Eat a socc"
by frickroblox!!11! March 8, 2022
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a DANK way to say "suck my cock/dick"
Also a super insulting insult,worse than the Steven Slutniversr fusion of "ur mom gay","ur dad lesbian" and "ur granny tranny"
The only insult which can eliminate the universe along with all which is part of it
Lenny man:ur mom gay
Other Lenny man:ur dad lesbian
Lenny man:ur granny tranny
Other Lenny man:no u
Lenny man:you've triggered my trap card!!!11! socc my cocc
Other Lenny man along with the Vast universe:*fucking implodes*
by Lenny McMemer June 18, 2018
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DANK way to say"suck my cock/dick"
Socc my cocc is the ultimate insult, stronger than a million no u's,more insulting than the Steven Slutniverse fusion of ur mom gay ur dad lesbian and ur granny tranny
It's used once all of the said insults were already used un a conversation
Once used un a sentence,it makes the entire universe along with all which is part of it implode into nothingless
Lenny man:ur mom gay
Other Lenny man:ur dad lesbian
Lenny man:no u
Other Lenny man:ur granny tranny
Lenny man:you've triggered my trap card!!!1!!11! socc my cocc
Other Lenny man along with the vast universe:*fucking implodes into stardust*
by Lenny McMemer June 19, 2018
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