man whore/slut/to pretty to be true
what a skuxx
by sharneii April 1, 2009
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someone who is skuxx to the point of being deluxxe at it. "AC"
by Boomer199999 October 6, 2010
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A word used by 12-vs all around the whole fucking world. Used by fuck-boys and pretty boys, basically trying to say they're good with girls and a ladies man.
Man you're so Skuxx-deluxe.
I'm Skuxx-deluxe, coz you know me good with dem girls
by Laura5923 June 17, 2015
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Super Skuxx: Extreme case of the Skuxx:

1-Looking good
2-Good fashion sense
3-Formal dress for something informal
4-Trying a little too hard

Skuxx - is a broad term and is now used for almost anything but is more commonly used to title the way someone looks.

For example someone that dresses up for an everyday occasion is a Super Skuxx.
He's such a skuxx

Nah bro, Super Skuxx

haha, Skuxx deluxe!!
by Skuxsguy January 12, 2011
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Friend 1/ “How was your night bro? Saw you with that girl from the corner
Friend 2/ “Yeah g, it was primo as. She’s Skuxx as”
by Fruitbatscat February 14, 2019
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