A white tablet devised by Bayer Industries to finally solve the world's pigeon problems. Also known as "pigeon killer".
I gave alka-seltzer to a pigeon and it exploded.
by Rommel Rico August 15, 2006
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Sinking at least 2 effervescent Alka-Seltzer tablets in carbonated/fizzy seltzer water/club soda/soda water as an old-school hangover relief remedy.
Bob got so loaded last night at the party, I just saw him doing a double seltzer-drop in the break room.
by busterboner August 29, 2009
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Nitro cold brew coffee, a kind of coffee served chilled that uses bubbles of dissolved nitrogen to add a smooth texture. These bubbles are notably smaller than those of carbonated water.
I’m gonna grab a Seattle Seltzer to wake myself up.
by vanishingly February 22, 2021
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The new rage in alcoholic drinks, alcoholic, carbonated water. A drink for those who either hate the taste of beer or want to feel like they’re being healthy. In reality, in two to three years, scientists will be saying this drink is terrible for you and causes cancer because that’s life kids.
Me and the boys gettin lit tonight on this alco-seltzer. Hangover? Take your pick: alka-seltzer or better yet, alco-seltzer.
by Seealis January 19, 2020
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When you smash back a shit ton of pineapple just to blow your load all over some dumb sluts face
Shit man I picked up the dumbest slut at the bar last night, but it’s all good because I’d eaten copious amounts of pineapple earlier so I gave her a tropical seltzer then sent her on her way back to the pigsty she crawled out of
by Big Poppa nutsack December 30, 2021
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When you’ve eaten a shit ton of pineapple and jizz streams of yoghurt all over that dumb sluts face that you picked up from the bar at closing time. Helps if you have the pina colada song playing when you bust yo nut... “if you like pina coladas, and getting caught in the rain”....
Yo Jimmy, I ended up going home with that Lucy chick from the bar last night, gave her a tropical seltzer! She stormed out before her Uber had even arrived...
by Big Poppa nutsack December 29, 2021
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is code for "you will vomit", usually by 4am
Oh my god, I knew she would "hard seltzer" after that many vodka sodas in a can...
by chadastrophic March 29, 2019
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