When an individual farts under the blankets and then uses his or her arm/legs to raise the blankets slightly, then lets gravity force the dirty air into the face of the unsuspecting bed partner. Unlike the Dutch oven, the blankets never get pulled over the head of said unsuspecting partner.
Jimmy blew a wicked smelly fart and then sent the coney island sea breeze into Marthas face.
by T-Bags 69 February 12, 2011
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When you fart while in a hot tub. For some reason, the heat causes the fart to smell worse and have residual ass oil float on the water and permanently stain whatever it touches.
"Man, John let out this sea breeze last night, so now I have to clean our puke and sand the inside of the hot tub."
by Rundvelt April 19, 2020
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