OR someone who is always found at shows. And has seen to many bands to name. And is, the ever infamous label of being, scene. Hence being a scene music - shows whore.
She goes to shows every weekend and takes tons of pictures of the kids dancing and the bands. She never wants to hang out with me *cranks up the Dashboard*. If I go to shows... I'll get beat by the hXc kids. It's over between us. She became such a scene whore.
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some person, without any technical skill, that seeks scene status by sucking up others
<halfdead> <- scene whore
by halfdead June 12, 2004
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some person, without any technical skill, that seeks scene status by sucking up others
halfdead is THE scene whore:

<halfdead> <- scene whore
by [halfdead] June 12, 2004
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A label typically assigned to female irc users, who lurk about technical channels/forums (#hackphreak, for example (NOT!!!)), although are completely uninterested in computer related topics, and are totally, absofuckinglutely lacking in ANY skill other than the ability to completely whore up a channel with "Hi hi!! ;);) *kisses*", etc. Scene whores often keep blogs in which they write about their totally interesting lives, and post grainy, poor quality pictures of themselves pouting at a webcam. Scene whores are often lonely, unattractive, socially inept, half-wits, who’s only chance at getting attention from the opposite sex is by talking with lonelier, more unattractive, more socially inept + desperate males (i.e. a typical #hackphreak user). A scene whore is easily spotted sporting a name which combines both their gender and an operating system they've never even used.
freebsdgirl, geekgrl, unixgirl, unixbabe, etc etc.
by Kaitlyn December 21, 2004
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Someone that you'll find at all shows becuase they try thier hardest to be cool.
"I see that girl everywhere"
"Yeah. No one likes her. She's a scene whore"
by Blitz March 23, 2004
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Tattooed and ear gauged mundane and boring fraud that is more preoccupied with his self image and other's approval than with the musical trend they're supposed to be big fans of. Very boring and comon people that would do litteraly to anything to physically stand out, including self harm and mutilation. I stress "physically", because unfortunately scene whores are usually as intellectually interesting as watching houseflies fuck.
Did you see X's facebook account? It's just a gallery of his tattoos and selfies featuring his hyperventilated face at BMTH and BFMV concerts, he's such a desperate scene whore
by Spyan April 10, 2019
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