n. A cool, sexy, but slightly nerdy girl; a chick; a fangrl pl. rories

etymology note: does not derive directly from RORITA
"There were a couple of rories at the comic shop, but i didn't get a chance to talk to them."
by teh editrix March 11, 2005
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Rory is a cutie who gets all the girls. they all love him no matter what and will go to ridiculus lengths to get with him. Rory will do anything to protect his girls and make them really attracted to him. He has a nice and presentable dick and likes it when girls grab it. He is a sweet guy.
Omg I love my boyfriend, he is such a Rory
by Dicky Sticky March 11, 2020
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Rory, a boy that Can and will eat all of the dinonuggets, rice and potato’s in that vicinity. If you come across a Rory be prepared for him to slap you silly while eating your potato’s.
You eat those faster than a Rory eating potato’s.
by Chaffy September 26, 2019
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Someone: *Knocks over a drink bottle
Whole-Class: RORY!
Rory: :(
by xX GayMan Xx October 22, 2019
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Rory is the greatest. He is a super epic gamer with an thick ass. If u ever meet a rory, he will plough you into next year unless you are a man.
Random girl: hey rory

Rory: i plough u now unless u man.
Random girl: yay
by SuckySenpai April 24, 2020
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Rory is very good looking and has a very unique personality. He has a massive dick and can attract girls a lot. Rory is good when it comes to starting a relationship but he tends to get bored towards the end and will always be the heart breaker of the relationship.
Girl “rory broke my heart, he’s left me because...”
Friend “why?”
Girl “he got bored”
by Cooldude333 November 6, 2017
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