An offensive and mysogynist characterization of female sex workers that encourages their abuse and exploitation by sexual predators by saying pimps deserve respect and control, and their female associates do not. Most often encountered in lyrics of the now fading genre of 'gangsta rap', in which rappers laughably tried to prove their manhood and increase their social status by boasting about violence and disrespect toward women.
"Yo, don't be talkin' that 'pimps up, hoes down" shit around here -- you think frontin' that sexist crap makes you cool? You a joke!"
by Starchild May 1, 2009
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A pair of imperative commands to be issued during a school lockdown or other mandatory activity involving hiding on the floor. Intended to trap others in the dilemma of either standing up and risking their safety (as pimps would) or staying down and safe while unfortunately implying that they are hoes. More grammatical immediately after a ho has been brought down by tripping, choking, heart attack, drive-by shooting, etc. Also the title of a classic 1999 film chronicling eight American pimps' pimping.
1. School principal: (over PA system) "A suicidal man has been spotted outside school grounds. We ask that teachers initiate standard lockdown procedures."
Teacher: "Okay, I need some of you to sit on the floor along this wall, and--
Aaron: (springing out of school desk seat) "PIMPS UP, HOES DOWN!"
Other students: (to selves) Damn! I might as well find myself a street corner on 8 Mile!
(Aaron dons purple felt hat, crosses arms)

2. (A girl slips and falls on the wet hallway floor)
Aaron: (donning purple felt hat) "PIMPS UP, HO'S DOWN!"
Ho: (getting up) "Asshole."

3. Aaron: "PIMPS UP, HO'S DOWN!"
Ho: (still standing) "That movie's title is punctuated poorly."
Aaron: "GET DOWN HO wait wha-- . . . ?" (Uneasily fingers pimp hat)
by typs lik dis January 14, 2010
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