A derogatory name for young black children couched in an aspect of admiration. Topsy in Uncle Tom's Cabin was described as being a pickaninny.
Oh, look at the cute little pickaninny. Wouldn't that make a picture?
by wordlover31 July 6, 2010
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duragatory slur for a black person, especially a younger or lazier one. originates back to slave times when slaves worked in fields, and a slave who was supposed to be working wasn't "pickin any"
this pickaninny needs to get up off his ass already

i don't wanna see you pickaninny's in my neighborhood anymore
by Sean Lock Romulux November 1, 2006
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Once a term of affection by a black mother for a black child, the word pickaninny is now considered a racist slur. Pickaninny is in actuality a contraction of "Pick a ninny" with "ninny" also being a contraction of the word "Nincompoop"
While watching thier children playing with some other kids, one black mother asked another "Who is the father of that child?". The other replied "Pickaninny" (Pick a ninny).
by WordSmith1965 December 11, 2012
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If you know what a honkey whisperer is and you know what a Pickaninny is? This has "what you talkin bout Willis" all over it!

A Honkey Whispering Pickaninny is a small version of a a Honkey Whisperer!
Emmanuelle Louis was the best Honkey Whispering Pickaninny that ever graced a camera!
by Sean Day Lou Swahili Swag September 3, 2016
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