A single unit or pouch containing a narcotic most likley marijuana. Ususally priced at $5, so if you pay more you got gipped
by Joe Mama December 5, 2001
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The skin that holds your balls.
The neutered dog does not have a sac.
by poeticdarwinism March 4, 2004
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a derogatory term to define someone as the skin that holds the balls
that guy is a sac!
stop being such a sac!
you are really being a sac right now
by Brian K February 18, 2005
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1. A sac (bag) of any kind. Could be a backpack, a purse, a plastic bag, a bag for testicles, or any kind of bag/device that holds stuff. See example #1.

2. Loosely used to describe anything. Also used as a suffix for one's name by a small, cultish group of linguists residing in the nation's capital. See example #2.

3. Inserted innocuously into sentences as a substitute for words rhyming with it. See example #3.
1. "Did you hurt your sac?" "I sho' did!"

2. "How's your sac?"

3. "I'll be right sac."
by RR & TO, Linguistic Innovators February 25, 2008
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1. a pouch, fleshy bag, or container, usually holding two nuts, testes, apples, jewels, or others; ballsac.

2. A persons private space, area, or way of life.
1. Dude you just punched him right in the sac.

2. Dude why are you all over his sac, he told you the story already, get off his sac.
by Jordan Nonnenmacher February 23, 2008
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Term used to describe awe-inspiring sex with Rick Saca A.K.A. The Sac. Pronounced "sack."
I'm going to Sac that girl.
That chick is totally Sacable.
She wants to get Sac'd.
She's so Sacsy.
I love Sacing.
He looks like a good Sacer.
by The Sac Bassi November 18, 2009
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