“Yo it’s time. ‘It’s 5 O’clock in the morning, conversation got boring’ “
*5 O’clock plays “Ight guys talk to y’all Tomorrow”
by Banchyyy February 10, 2019
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When you have either a dick appointment to attend or are surrounded by people who are being dicks.
by Xlot February 10, 2018
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The hour at which a fuckboy hits you up because he’s drunk or lonely and looking for anyone to fill their void to cuddle or have sex. This will happen late at night, usually when you are ready for bed after not talking to this boy all day. Whos to say you are even their first choice?
It must be fuckboy o’clock because Brandon just hit me up asking if i’d come over.
by lambie69 July 13, 2018
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Boombox 0’Clock, according to the human environment it is length to be a time period 1:35AM through 11:59PM. People will start to get wild and up in the clouds during this experience. Whenever someone asks what time is it during this time period it is to be said “BOOMBOX O’CLOCK!!!”
“According to my watch it is BOOMBOX O’CLOCK !!!!, y’all ready to get the goods up ins here?!!!”
by Dream Mc Beetle April 2, 2020
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Chocolate O’Clock is every Thursday and to celebrate chocolate o’clock you have to smoke weed
Dequavious:I’m not smoking weed today it’s Thursday
Bartholomew:It’s not Thursday it’s chocolate o’clock
by Ronquavious Defeetaltop August 13, 2023
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Time of day when the sexy ladies come out on the prowl making it ideal for men to find a honey
Bro 1: “Hey man, when are you going to the gym?”

Bro 2: “ Well, I wanna go at honey o’clock to see some ladies you know?”
Bro 1: “ oh I know”
by Dr.superwumbo September 3, 2018
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