why did you send your brother to the shop? because i got him on Lock Down
by Shan June 9, 2003
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to know who and what you are on a core level and to be true to yourself no matter what adversitys come your way.
"Monique really got her personality deep locked down! She know who she is and ain't nobody gonna tell her otherwise!"
by Habacheebee February 26, 2010
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a person who is dissing sum1 else reli badly
man on lock down
by joslag November 7, 2003
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When someone throws a shitfit at the house after his or her significant other leaves without saying goodbye. Commonly found within close-nit families and popular parties.
Guy 1: Dude, don't leave me now, bro.

Guy 2: Watch me... watch me take this ass down the road!
Guy 1: NO. If you do that, Gloria is gonna throw a shitfit and the house is gonna go into crisis lock down mode.
by the wedding crasher March 25, 2011
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When you find out that a girl/guy you are dating is into something really cool and unexpected so you must make them your gf/bf.
Guy 1: "So this girl I scored wants to go see Iron Man 2 and go shooting!"

Guy 2: "Dude!! Lock it down!!"
by RedandGreen May 2, 2010
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Let's make sure Greg's cool with tonight before we lock it down.
by lottanyx February 11, 2010
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Shut the fuck up and calm the fuck down, please.

Traditionally used on a film set, but also useful for stopping multiple friends, lovers, and strangers from doing stupid, often alcohol-induced things.
"Hey, give me five dollars and we'll grab that mannequin's titties."

by ABlair January 14, 2008
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