Niklas love's gasoline and braaappp

Did you hear the braaappp from the engine?
(Girl2)Yeah that must be Niklas with his suzuki.
by Girlraper123 June 28, 2017
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A boy who hides his unfounded insecurities behind a cheerful and humorous character. Niklas has the best taste in music. He finds his love on Tinder and spends his afternoons, evenings and nights with her in parks, enjoying mate. Later in life, he will settle in a forest with his wife and many animals.
Person 1: Niklas is so cute! Do you think he is interested in me?
Person 2: No, he flirts with girls without realizing. He is in a relationship with Johanna.
Person 3: Oh, they make such a nice couple!
by jo9876 August 21, 2020
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A fuck ass. Worst person you'll probably ever meat. He ruins the fun for all. Fuck him basically.
Person 1: Oh shit it's a Niklas...
Person 2: Hide! Hide! Before all the jokes are ruined
Person 1: God he's such a fuck ass.
by TheWordyBirdy November 5, 2015
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he’s the most loyal person you’ll ever meet.

he will care for you when you don't feel well but also be there for you when everything’s alright.

but only if you mean a lot to him.

niklas doesn’t need the attention of anyone because he already has his friends that he calls his family.
Me: “I’ve had a wonderful day yesterday “
Friend: “ I bet your we’re hanging with niklas
by blue.rarri June 10, 2019
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Niklas a person that is between a boomer and a gamer.

Typical person who name themselves Slayer to be hipp and and cool.
Don’t be a Niklas
by Loveå March 23, 2022
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Niklas is Niklas
Niklas: Im Niklas
Wow your Niklas
by Bunnprisgorme May 4, 2022
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Niklas is the one who always juge and talk pepole down. he never listen and do what ever he want.
Bro you so niklas, why got to be like that
by Matwee October 29, 2020
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