Bob: "See those Mungi's over there Jim?"
Jim: "Seig fukn hail" Jim shouts to the Mungi's.
by Finesir January 28, 2015
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Similar to having a case of the munchies except you mean you have a craving for a dead woman's vaginal secretions, and other material that "cums" out when you "munge" a girl. *Note: that this is an acquired taste.
Man, I'm getting kind of hungry, I'm getting a case of the "mungies".
by Richard January 7, 2004
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n. the self proclaimed porn name of the legendary cartoon mung tung; one who shits on floors for fun, rambles off incomrehensible slurs; the ultimate binge drinker, one who gets blackout with aspirations of bangin' bitches and killin' babies to be mung tunged; one who enjoys mung tungin'
Mungie says, "drippin' decayed ooz from pregnant lady, soo good, once it hits your lips, soo good"
by James VonHubries September 29, 2005
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A name or nickname for someone or something as a sign of endearment. OR a state of being. A state of mind.
'Omg, Mungi! Did you see that girl'

'Mungi, you look so good today!'

by marylujane January 28, 2023
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1. n/ An obese, hairy male who smells musty and reads a lot of pornography.

2. adjective/ Something that is gross, foul or unpleasant to look at.

3. A stupid, moronic or ill-informed person.
1: "That Mungy looking dude is a friggin' pervert"

2: "Aww bro that's Mungy as! Gross!!"

3: "Man you don't know shit. You're just a dumb Mungy.
by sahboh11 August 22, 2011
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The School caretaker is going to be furious when he sees all those mungies on the ceiling...
by eignum October 4, 2007
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