Dwight: "Colorado specialty -- Rocky Mountain Oysters"
Michael: "Wow, those do not taste like oysters."
Dwight: "That's because they're not Oysters. They're bull testicles! I cut them off fresh this morning!"

testicles balls bull testicles the office dwight nuts castrated
by IronicMushroom October 31, 2015
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So you' re doing a few lines of peruvian flake, bolivian baking soda, cuban cocaine, which still just cocaine, and you frantically reach for a tissue, blow your nose and half the 8ball is gleaming back at you from inside the biological weapon of snot you just produced....well congratulations, you hold in your hand some grade - A - Rocky Mountain Oyster
'alright bro, gonna whip up a quick batch of rocky mountain oysters in your bathroom sink, and then lets finish this ball. I'n Dr. Rockzo and I love, c-c-cocaine.'
by acidhead420 September 13, 2023
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