Small town in southern Kentucky situated on Lake Cumberland. Unless you were born here, you are NOT from here. You could live here for 50 years and still be an outsider.

If you are not from here and decide to visit, heed this word of advise..."do not leave the paved road!"

Middle of nowhere where roads were built to let the people out.
Local: "Use ain't from round these parts, is use?"
Outsider: "I seem to be lost"
Local: chkk-chkk "Use bedder git ta goin"
Outsider: "Can you..."

POW (sound of gunfire)

An outsider was going through Monticello to Lake Cumberland when he made a wrong turn toward Bugwood and nobody ever saw him again. Reckon he didn't listen.

Primary language spoken is Hillbilly. An interpreter may be needed for outsiders.
by Dangerous Grace June 30, 2009
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Monticello is a fun but boring town. It has a community center a walmart and a target that white kids go to after school. Its population is 95% white people. The kids like to get kicked out of the stores.
Emily: "Hey lets go to target in monticello mn a and get kicked out for fun"
Derek " sounds like fun to me, then we go to walmart and get kicked out to"
by Monticello12qw November 5, 2017
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lets see, lake monticello. a 14 mile radius community in virginia with over 10,000 people. everyone is in everyone elses business and the place is run by retired people. how fun.
old guy: lets take the diving board out of the pool at lake monticello so theres no chance for those kids to have ANY fun!
by leeannepelzduh March 9, 2007
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A school that u go to and u find condoms all over the floor and people giving handjobs in public but overall the students are pretty chill
Mom: how was the track meet at Monticello High School
Person: it was good I saw a girl giving someone a handjobbehind the bleachers
by Henry Ford Mustang May 11, 2017
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the monticello middle school is a place where we like to label everyone. like some people are the “vapers” some people are “sluts” and lots more. the girls in 8th grade like to have beef. the girls in 6th grade make musicallys everyday of there life. and 7th graders are just annoying
“monticello middle school is full of hoes
ikr and vapers
by pwkxiwnbcc February 5, 2018
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Monticello or methicello where you come to get stabbed in the back fucked over and betrayed it's a pretty shitty town where half the people you know are on some sorta drug secretly but I mean it's in the name methicello
Monticello mn =Snitchs drugs backstabbers hoes
by TheTruthManOnGod February 1, 2018
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Where everybody has sex with everybody the see. Popular people think the can send nudes ever day and boys jerk off to those sluts. Oh and everybody in there is fake.
by AnonymousBITCH668764 March 7, 2018
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