A girl that is beautiful, inside and out. Very intelligent, but also has a wonderful sense of humor. She is someone that people absolutely adore being around. She is very kind-hearted and is an amazing listener. Although weird and a little bit bi-polar, she is the sweetest person you will ever meet. She has an amazing taste in music and an all-around fantastic personality. She can be very confusing at some points, but you'll catch up. Michaela is absolutely stunning. She deserves to be treated like a princess, remember that if you're lucky enough to have her fall for you and always let her know how much you care, she's tired of having her heart broken.
Michaela, you truly amaze me.
by MynameisMichelle July 8, 2011
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Michaela is a loving, caring, amazing, beautiful, loyal, wild, weird (in a good way) and she is just perfect! If you know Michaela then you are 100% the luckiest person in the world because she is the worlds greatest friend!!!! Michaela is a brilliant owner towards her amazing pets and she never fails to make me smile and laugh 😂

She also has an amazing taste in fashion and music and has the best idols ever!
I love michaela!
Wiggles and sammy have the best owner her name is Michaela
by Tilly😊❤️ February 24, 2019
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Amazing, funny, crazy, jolly, outgoing, interesting, smart, nice, lovely, pretty, a michaela is someone special someone with a creative spark, she can light up any room with her usually bright colored eye such as blue or light green and she has mad crazy hair to fit her personality her hair is thick and full of life Its not just a plain head of hair she’s very sensitive and can be insecure but deep down she’s got the heart of a lion she firce and elegant she got it all.
man 1 woah look at her dude!
man 2 omg yeah she so pretty

man 1 She definitely a michaela
by Wildpotatod April 18, 2019
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Contrary to what others may think, she is the most perfect woman to walk this earth. She has a beauty about her that just makes you want to be with her, every second of every day. She is a crazy, fun, weird, kind, passionate, and loving person. She is the most amazing girl in all the lands of all the days. She should be treated like so. If one is found treating her badly, things will go wrong for that said person. In summary: she is the most amazing girl in the world, and the sexiest!! Trying to explain why people love her is like trying to explain how water tastes, completely impossible. She is the reason why many people even get up in the morning. She is the most beautiful being in the world. If you look into her eyes, you will have found a reason for living. Those eyes sparkle with an intense passion for life.
Was that Michaela?
We must hang out with her!

Wow there goes Michaela, she is soo beautiful!

I love Michaela, I always want to hang out with her!
by Donkey Kong123456789 February 4, 2010
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one of the most perfect women ever to walk the face of the earth.The most beautiful thing a man will ever lay his eyes upon. A complete fucking angel.
I find it ironic that an angel like Michaela can make me sin so much!
by thetank941 November 23, 2007
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one of the best girls you will ever meet! she is drop dead gorgeous, smart, caring, athletic. she has an amazing body and has an amazing personality and whenever she's around you always have a good time. even though sometimes she brings herself down she always finds a way to get back on her feet! any guy would be lucky to have her. she doesn't mind taking risks and will do anything for an adventure. you can always trust her. but if you annoy her too much, consider yourself gone from her life.anyone would be lucky to meet a girl like michaela.
dude1: yo, who is that girl
dude 2: oh, that's michaela. she is so damn gorgeous!!!
by checo.m08 October 13, 2018
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One of the most sarcastic, no fucks given, assholes you've ever met. Doesn't give a shit about what anyone thinks of her. She's the type of person who won't text you for a week but then in the middle of a Tuesday afternoon she'll send you an "I love you. You're a good friend."
She will literally make you soup when you're sick. She'll spend fifty dollars on you in build-a-bear because you kept wanting to add accessories to your Jedi pony. She'll hold your hand when you randomly burst into tears.

If you have a Michaela in your life treasure her. She loves you very much. And you will never meet anyone like her ever again.
"I'll never love anyone romantically the way I love you platonically." - Michaela
by Monny Ponny June 21, 2014
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