A Sex act where a girl, usually but not nesisarily wareing leather chaps and a wip, has sex with six guys in an old un-painted 16 foot aluminum rowboat on a small pond, in upstate New York, while waving sparklers in the air with both hands, trying to impress her co-workers who are standing at the edge of the pond drinking beer, and wishing they never came to the party.
Girl: "So i'm having a party this forth of July. Who wants to come?"


Girl: "I got fire works, ah... it will be fun!"

Even more akward silence.

Girl: "The'll be libations there!, yeah well do Libations!"

Me... after she Leaves upset "I'll never be able to look at her again, 6 guys in a rowboat with sparklers, Damn! I kinda would want to see that."

co-worker: "No, No you wouldn't. Trust me."
by Hotbrains July 13, 2008
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To drink good or ill feelings towards another.
Mate, I heard about you getting fired. I'll libate you a few this evening to make it all good.
by Southern Badger July 3, 2010
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anything that a person wants at any given time, (food, water, sex, sleep, ect.)
i require libations.
by einstein4471 July 21, 2008
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alcohol originating from tree's
aka pine cone liquor

from the television show squidbillys
i heard you have been consuming certain arboreal libations on the work site
by frenetically March 21, 2011
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1. A person or group of people that can't find a new place to have drink or have a bite to eat in a major metropolitan area.
We are libation loosers. You know we are going to end up at the same place so let's not go through the list of places to go.
by lokilokicomeouttoplay December 1, 2010
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1) Noun: a slang term predominantly used to refer to beer.

2) Noun: Depending on the specific situation, can also include other alcoholic beverages that have been fermented such as cider, wine, sake, huangjiu.
Hey bartender, I'll take a glass of your seasonal fermented libation.
by droolyface September 26, 2021
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Simply, a caffeinated drink that helps you get through the day without peeling your eyelids off. It could be coffee, tea, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, hell... even Red Bull.

Also the preferred drink of overwhelmed IT managers, often accompanied by many cigarettes before 9am local time.
"I'm not feeling it today, I need a motivation libation to make it through my 10am meeting in one piece."
by top_kek December 28, 2016
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