"I don't want to get jooped into spending more on the bill for dinner than Steve."
by kissmyturkey December 8, 2015
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The act of cumming or jizzing and pooping at the same time.
That guys so nasty, he's jooping!
by basketballson56 March 2, 2010
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A joop is a most fantastical creature. It considers itself to be quite weird and strange, and enjoys making bad puns and jokes with other similar creatures. A joop can also be known as 'ajoopie'.

Joops are rather excitable beings known to stress out too much over certain small things yet calmly offer solutions to those in need. If you need a good friend who'll stick by your nonsense for a very long time, a joop is a great creature to talk to.
I'm so fortunate to be friends with a joop.
Oh my god, a joop made more bad puns today :/
by Startistiq February 20, 2018
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The combination of jizz and poop when ejaculating into an ass.
I filler her ass and joop ran down her leg.
by Donnie March 28, 2005
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Verb - To emulate the ancient orange haired, opium smoking, banana eating Orangutan named Joop, born on September 21st, 1900.
Joopin' 24/7!

Dude, are you going to Joop out tonight?
by syrucrosse01 November 17, 2010
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Joop is very strong fruty colonge of questonable origin it is of an unnatural pink color and might have come from a toxic waste dump but you know man it gets the ladies
Brandon(the man) :Jeorge Ur wearing joop i can just smell it
Jeorge: Well you know mang it gets all the ladies
Felix: hea mang back off
by The tits March 21, 2008
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Something that some teenagers made up with the names alchowei and vodqour and they called there group JOOP wearing purple bananas. Until one day they went into a store and saw a mens cologne called joop. then they shut the hell up!
Tj- yo mario did you see them joop groups be walkin down the hall

Mario- yea there whacked.


yo that shirt your wearing is so joop
by BABY GUrlZ February 4, 2009
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