Jongdae is a sweet, kind and beautiful person, who has big dark brown eyes and beautiful and thick black hair. He has gone through many things in life. But still he believes in the good in people. At some times he seems like he’s open person and like someone who would like to hug everyone and then there are some times where he’d like to talk to nobody. He is always super sweet and reliable towards everyone. Jongdae is also always there for his friends, which leads him to sometimes forget about himself. But still if you need him he will leave his things behind to come and help you. Means he’s a good listener. He is always full of surprises, that you would not expect. He keeps his promises and would never reveal any of your secrets not betray you. So everyone who has a Jongdae in their life should be very greatful, because people like him can’t be taken for granted. So not everyone deserves such a precious human being like him. He is worth waiting for, fighting for and worth loving!
I wish I could meet a Jongdae

Jongdae is a really beautiful and reliable person
I’m so greatful to have a Jongdae in my life.
by Beanieweanie101 November 22, 2021
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