a noise made by someone who is extremely hungry
amber: oh i am so hungry! jome jome jome
by letsmakeupwords August 4, 2009
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a full condom...or "dome" ie: the Dome is full of Jizz....hence: Jome
Eww....Someone left a Jome in the Sink!!
by the definition team! March 5, 2004
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describes anything you want it to, to annoy people because it can mean anything, it a verb noun adjective, the whole thing

The gabbstah made this word up btw
you are such a jome.
lets go jomin'.
sup jome.
What that jome?
by the Gabbstahh October 13, 2010
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An acronym for joe-mama.

it has its roots in a quote from peter griffin

"*peter accent hey joe, *Joe accent, yes peter, *peter accent, Jome, *joe accent whos Jome my name is joe, *peter accent joe mama. *peter cackles like an insane person. *family guy transition, peter is now in an insane asylum. (sad)"
I had a friend named Jome

who's Jome?
Joe mama.
by FOEL March 3, 2021
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Slang for poop in western Michigan and northern Illinois
by Gregasoris January 23, 2022
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Slang for poop in western Michigan and northern Illinois
by Gregasoris January 23, 2022
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