A dark orange looking type of rice invented and best prepared by Nigerians. Ghanaian will want to say theirs is better but actually it is trash. Nigerians are better than them in everything(music,soccer,entertainment,food).Ghanaian always hate on Nigerians and Nigerians do not even care about them thats why Nigerians will always be ahead. In truth Ghanaians are jealous of Nigerians, they try to copy everything from Nigeria and modify but always end up making a disaster just like their jollof rice.
Ghanaian: Oh Ghana jollof is just the best

Nigerian: No its not

Ghanaian : Shut up ours is better

Nigerian: Ok fine, whatever makes you sleep at night
Foreigner: (listening to the convo): No I've tasted the two and Nigeria's Jollof rice own is better . You Ghanaians always think you're better but you're not . Nigerians are and will always be better than you, both in jollof,academics and everything. Now shut up and go pack up your "Ghana must go"bag
by q17th April 7, 2019
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Unlike Ghanaian Jollof rice )eg. Poison, rice and soup) Nigerians actually know how to prepare it . Nigerians prepare it with love care and simple common sense whilst Ghanaians just add any old rubbish they find in the back of their cupboard. So if you want to survive I advise you to never ever take Jollof rice from a evil Ghanaian
Nigerian's Jollof rice is edible.
Ghanaian's Jollof rice is poison.
by AFRIC_Boi_lover February 9, 2019
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Never ask a Nigerian to make you jollof rice; that if you're not looking for a way to end your life. They will serve you crusty dry ass uncooked white rice with ketchup and no spice. I had some and swear to god I had food poisoning
They don't even say it right . Like what the hell is Jellof it's Jollof rice ok. Like swallow your pride and accept facts.
by WannaSpriteCranberry December 29, 2018
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A dark orange looking type of rice invented and best prepared by Nigerians. Ghanaian will want to say theirs is better but actually it is trash. Nigerians are better than them in everything(music,soccer,entertainment,food).Ghanaian always hate on Nigerians and Nigerians do not even care about them thats why Nigerians will always be ahead. In truth Ghanaians are jealous of Nigerians, they try to copy everything from Nigeria and modify but always end up making a disaster just like their jollof rice.
Ghanaian: Oh Ghana jollof is just the best

Nigerian: No its not

Ghanaian : Shut up ours is better

Nigerian: Ok fine, whatever makes you sleep at night
Foreigner: (listening to the convo): No I've tasted the two and Nigeria's Jollof rice own is better . You Ghanaians always think you're better but you're not . Nigerians are and will always be better than you, both in jollof,academics and everything. Now shut up and go pack up your "Ghana must go"bag
by q17th April 7, 2019
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Jollof rice is a type of rice that is based mainly in the west of African mainly in Ghana and Nigeria the dish has been widespread across the continent and maybe even the world Ghanaian jollof is better than Nigerian jollof those who say it isn’t have less brain cells than a cabbage, and are part of the juju community of Nigeria.
Ghanaian jollof rice is better than juju jollof rice
by E2saucyy December 29, 2018
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So there are like many types personally Ghanaian is a bit iffy Nigerian is peng but Sierra Leone jollof is the pengest yk cause it originates from there. I think the Nigerians took the recipe and mastered it then the Ghanaians messed it up a lil
“Man that jollof rice at the party was peng!”
“Ik my mum made it!” Jollof is penngggg
by IthinkMotomotolikedyouxd March 31, 2019
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A delicious mostly west African dish that is made with a combination of meats,spices,and a tomato stew. Preferably prepared by a Liberian it is 🔥, if by a Nigerian it's a bunch of tomato rice, while a Ghanaian just doesn't know what they're doing 😏👏🏾👏🏾
"Damn that bowl of Jollof Rice Ma musu made was too good"
by Westiiifrican March 18, 2017
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