As used by the infamous drag-queen sensation RAMONA, "buh-jiggity" is used to describe the wickedly awesome aspects of our pop culture.
"Those peanut-butter colored Uggs everyone wears these days are so BUH-JIGGITY!"
by avantgarde999 June 18, 2009
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a couch that is used for coitus.
Guy#1: Dude, why are you throwing your couch away?

Guy#2: Its was my grandma's jiggity couch.... I couldnt get the stains out

Guy#1: I'll take it
by pinkprincess29 February 2, 2011
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When all the bros get together in your neighborhood to hang out...playing loud rap music , dancing, smokin', drinkin' or or cruisin in with your Donks
Did you hear all the noise last night? Yeah.. da boys were all jiggity hoopie in da hood
by Toadly 4 Sure February 24, 2021
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an ultimate dis that if used can make an unsuspecting person instantly cry. If done at the right moment it can even make the person commit suicide
Person one: "Your mom's done old school hard core yo-jiggity"
Person two: "NOOOO!" *he starts to cry and then shoots himself in the head*
by Shin'ai April 21, 2005
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Taking a convoluted, indirect or tortuous path to a specified location
There was construction on the main road so we had to jiggity jog to get here.
by Tonyman122 June 24, 2023
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The mouth, usually in reference to fellatio.
Ay, girl, lemme get some o'dat jaw jiggity.
by StarCaptain November 24, 2008
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