Term for referring to a demented child, especially those that have convinced themselves they are a cake. They are lacking in intelligence and very easy to fool
I done ya as easy as Jaff
by Anonymous August 20, 2003
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I caught the dirty bugger jaffing all over my 'Shaven Ravers'.
by 's nobody March 25, 2004
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A character who sucks at life. An annoyance who no one likes. This is the kinda of person who has everything go wrong for him/her.
If you do this you just might be a Jaffe:
1. Wear a rainbow colored polo shirt on national comming out day on shear coincidence
2. Wear a ghost busters costume for halloween
3. Respond with every diss "Hey guys come on, come onnn.
4. Talk to random people who think they like you.
5. Suck at life.
6. Make stupid jokes that result in death threats.
7. Suck at life.
8. Get ditched by people who u think like you.
9. Cry in public.
10. Have a pizza face
Jaffe shut up u suck at life go away, kill your self, uninstall life.
by Andrew December 5, 2004
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A small eskimo woman, who likes to rub noses with lamp posts.

Avoid at all costs.

(Owns scary implements of pleasure.)
Quick, run, it's a motherfucking Jaff!
by Anti Jaff Soceity December 12, 2003
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Jaff :o
by Leeanne September 16, 2003
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A jaff is a person who has more or bigger vibrators than you, usually causing you great upset.
Im so jealous of her because shes a jaff
by Leeanne October 27, 2003
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