quackity. it’s quackity. that’s all.
quackity: *does anything*
everybody: “IPAD KID
by April 9, 2021
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ipad kids are braindead kids who have a ipad that are 3yo and has cheeto dust on there leat fingies and is a kindergarden dropout at age 6 and likes cocomelon
this dumb ipad kid is basically quackity and likes cocomelon and smokes coke
by dumb definitions January 19, 2022
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A child who is very annoying and has no thoughts in their brain. They are constantly watching their greasy iPad that their parents got them to distract them from the divorce. The child has no social skills and will definitely get bullied in school.
-“Wanna babysit Evan?”
-“No way. He’s a gross little iPad kid.”
by CLG4L0019 December 6, 2021
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A duck with an ipad he probably stole from his mother, and tends to love cocomelon. Yes this duck is Quackity, you may know him as a streamer and bread eater. My guy eats cheetos and gets em all over his fingers, like- seriously.
Person 1: Do you know what an ipad kid is?

Person 2: Yeah! Quackity is one.
by BlobBee~ June 28, 2022
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A child usually between the age of 4 to 12. This child is known to respond rudely and was raised on technology. They definitely know how to hack the government. Meant as either a genuine description of a child or an insult.
"Man get off your ipad, you IPad Kid!"
by Treasurer of Kurtistown July 7, 2021
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Pretty much the worst thing to exist in gen z. Random kids that are having a tantrum then their parents offer them an ipad to watch cocomelon. In other words, little muggars
Kid: *throws tantrum
Parent:*gives kid ipad
Random bloke: IPAD KID
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iPad kid are little kids who's only source of entertainment is playing with there iPad. These kid might have toys but don't do anything with them. They also watch cocomelon, Ryans toyreview and dumb Youtube videos on there iPad. Sadly they never grew up with there TV as everything they wanted to watch is on their stupid greasy cracked iPad. Also they couldn't live a day without there iPad...
Little Timmy is 5. He has an iPad and a million cool toys. But he doesn't play with them as the only Source on Entertainment he has is his IPAD. Therefore he is an iPad kid.
by REALNAMEISCOOL January 25, 2022
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