When somebody, usually who you don't like, forces you into a hug, usually by running up and almost strangling you into a hug and the only way to get out is to hug them back.
Brad: "So dude, last night that chick Maranda came up to me and gave me a hug-rape, so I was forced to hug her back."
Johnny: "Ewwww, nasty! She needs to learn nobody likes her."
by Green_Eyes_13 November 16, 2009
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1. Non-consensual free hugging.
2. (An) Unwanted free hug(s)
3. Unexpected hug; also known as a "sneak-a-hug"
Guy1: Dude, is he ok?
Guy2: I think he will be, but he just got free hug raped...
by Richardo Andretti June 2, 2009
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A form of rape in which a man with really long arms approaches a group of students, collects as many as he can in one bear hug, and rapes all of the captured school children.
Sami ran back to her counsellor alone, disobeying her camp's buddy system. "Someone bear hug raped four of us!" she exclaimed, tears running down her cheeks. "Why didn't we listen to the warnings of BHR that our friends gave us?! We could have ran in separate directions!"

Bear Hug Rape (BHR) is not a joke.
by Freestyle Rapz Foreva July 6, 2011
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To be forcibly pressed into a hug, similar to a rape situation. The victim then feels shocked, awed, dirty, stunned, and physically plundered.
Dave was rape hugged by Danielle. He cried himself to sleep.
by davecolarusso January 15, 2008
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a wicked hug where you get lifted off the ground ;)
and get rawrly raped
oh my god rachel *rape-hug*
by Lhiane May 12, 2008
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To be forcibly pressed into a hug, similar to a rape situation. The victim then feels shocked, awed, dirty, stunned, and physically plundered.
Dave was rape hugged by Danielle. He cried himself to sleep.
by davecolarusso January 10, 2008
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To force a rape-like hug upon an unsuspecting victim causing the latter to feel shocked, awed, dirty, vulnerable, and very physically plundered.
Dave was rape hugged by danielle. He then cried himself to sleep.
by davecolarusso January 10, 2008
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