Acronym for Getting Things Done. Usually refers to a task management application - a somehow fancier to do list you can mantain on your computer.
Can you recommend me a GTD app for Mac?
by U8IK January 4, 2008
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as in... "Yo,band, it's time to let our drummer play a solo so we can GTDS."
by liketrane November 4, 2013
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An acronym for Good times dawg! Used only when the event being remembered was super kick ass. In fact, use of GTD always precedes a fist bump.
Note: if the event is deemed not to be worthy of GTD as simple GT may suffice, most memories fall into the GT category.
Clyde: Yo, Adrienne, remember that time that that hot ass shit went down?
Adrienne: Oh, yeah, GTD!

<The two fist bump and the memory is complete>

Clyde: Yo, Adrienne, remember that time that that mediocre ass shit went down?
Adrienne: Oh, yeah, GTD! (goes in for the fist bump)
Clyde: GTD?!?!, Naw girl, that's just a GT.
Adrienne: I'm just saying
by GTD, August 4, 2008
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Great Typesetter DarkPaladin56
The Greatest Typesetter known in the history of Anime Fansubs.
by Anonymous July 19, 2003
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GTDs are ALWAYS mistaken for stds.u see along time ago a ginger named errogk fucked an ape therefore developing GTD's.they changed it to stds in the 1200's because king arthur slept with a ginger and banned the the 1990s it was discovered and brought back by south park
wow kelsi gave u a GTD (ginger transmitted Disease)
by xdfmkldfgbl[ February 23, 2011
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