black man #1: man wants some grape soda

Black man #2: dude who do you think i am a white person
by niggerlyncher7698 July 20, 2010
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A fizzy beverage that is Grape Flavored
Person 1: What are you drinking?
Person 2: Grape Soda
by TollyAG May 7, 2020
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A stereotype of African-Americans, of unknown origins. Often used as a racial slur.
"Yo, Grape Soda! C'mere! I got some KFC and watermelon for ya--you people love that shit, right?"
by ResoNate33 February 28, 2017
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Short hand for GET RAPED SODA

a beverage commonly known to increase ones ability to all around rape, pwn, win, and secks in general... side effects include increased wallet size, epeen size, and occasionally ego size.

drinkers of get raped soda are constantly found trolling on swf and aib
M2k drinks nothing but Grape Soda all day.... no wonder theres only like 3 ppl who can beat him in smash.
by MFGK January 25, 2010
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Semen, cum, jizz, manbutter, spooge. You get the idea.
Drama Kid 1: She needs to stop drinking so much grape soda!
Drama Kid 2: Ohhh, snap.
Slutty Girl: What?
by TheDurheim March 31, 2008
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