A comedy sports game that is most commonly played in car parks at night after the pub. It involves passing the ball amongst players with a maximum of three touches per player and a maximum of one bounce off the floor between players. If the ball bounces more than once or a player uses any part of the body apart from their hands to touch the ball they are out and then become a decoy who now has to try and put other players off using any means possible. The last player in wins.
"Does anyone fancy a game of Pissy Flanging Gay ball after the Nelson pub quiz tonight?"
by Nave Nilney July 31, 2007
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Originally the term "gay as balls" had a very different meaning and was used to describe an event who's gaiety matched those of formal balls (dance).
I hear Florence's lawn party was gay as balls.
by Ballroom Queeny January 13, 2011
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something really gay, very homosexual or stupid.
Jamie: dude, what the fuck.
Steve: Just wanted to touch your penis
Jamie: Man, that was gay as balls
by SheldonPretty November 26, 2006
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When Gay big black men all have a balls orgy
I want to join a gay nigger balls orgy

Mom"Happy birthday"
Dad"what'd you get me?"
Mom"A gay negger balls session"
Dad"Oh goody"
by a Gay Nigger monkey balls April 12, 2022
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