Someone who spuriously slanders an entire group of people using specious faux-scholarly arguments because he thinks that politics doesn't have any real world meaning and is all a big game of who gets to call the other side a poopyhead the most. Counts double if said fuckwaddery gets reviewed in the New York Times because the fuckwad "author" has a famous mommy.
"The white male is the Jew of Liberal Fascism" - Liberal Fascism, by fuckwad Jonah Goldberg
by McDuff December 29, 2007
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Jonah Goldberg, writer of the hilariously inept Liberal Fascism.
"Did fuckwad finally settle on a title for that piece-of-shit book he's writing?"

"Yes. The fuckwad. It's out now and he's having a hard time getting anyone to take it seriously."

"Who'd take fuckwad seriously?"

"His mom. Maybe."
by Righteous Bubba January 9, 2008
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Jonah Golberg, or any other conservative pundit incapable of rational thought. Also known as a "doughy pantload".
Jonah Goldberg is such a fuckwad for comparing liberals to Nazis.
by Manila Ryce December 29, 2007
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dork;someone who screws up alot
Now look what you've done, David, you FUCKWAD!!
by dcMichael December 1, 2007
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A dumbass, someone who deserves to be shot, slow.
by Carlo Baker April 2, 2005
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that annoying little shit who thinks he's bigger and better than everybody, when in all actuality he's the worst.
The pitcher on their baseball team is such a fuckwad, considering they lost 17-0.
by butchick September 11, 2004
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