That pain that Satan blesses girls with so he can let them know what hell feels like once a month for a week. It's also the reason every girl wished they were a guy.
"Omg, I hate Cramps! I wish I was a guy!"
by $ammi3 February 15, 2016
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R.I.P Lux (Erick Lee Purkhiser) Interior (October 21, 1946 – February 4, 2009) musician and a founding member of the legendary band The Cramps. He died at 4:30am on February 4, 2009, in Glendale, California of a pre-existing heart condition. The Cramps and Lux will be sadly missed.
I saw The Cramps at least 60 times and they were always kick ass.
by Old Skool Jim February 5, 2009
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Something a girl suffers when she is on the rag. Feels like one is being stabbed in the gut with a knife or giving birth. Typically make a girl lay in the fetal position or want to sit in the shower/bath for hours on end. Cramps can be felt during ovulation two weeks before the period actually starts. However, cramps are the worst on the first and second day of a girl cycle. Also used as an excuse to avoid sleeping with a man that has a small penis.
SHIT MAN! My cramps are so bad I want to cut out my uterus!

Boyfriend: Do you have cramps babe?
Girlfriend: Fuck off!

On night stand Man (with small dick): So can we bone tonight?
Woman: Lets just fool around. I have my period and really bad cramps.
by islandfever February 13, 2009
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To interfere with; to ruin
Don't cramp my style
by enzo July 20, 2004
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Something a female will tell you to hint that she's on her period
Wyd later ?
I don't feel like doing anything at all I'm cramping

Say no more .
by californiachickkk March 27, 2015
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Usually referring to period cramps, they are in fact the closest thing in life that you can get to hell. One of those simple pleasures, that just graces any day. Hint the sarcasm. It will often inflict an immense amount of pain. Happy cramping!
I'm cramping so bad right now!

Are you cramping? Do you need chocolate?

I'm going to kill myself because of these awful cramps!
by Yeeteris69 June 12, 2018
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