one of the greatest generes of music out there, composed of a very talented band and unblieveable lyircs
led zeppelin, pink floyd, elp, dire straits, zz top, the doors, black sabbath, kansas, deep purple
by unknown July 29, 2003
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The Genre of rock that spawned life into all other forms of rock, usually not even coming close to the raw power of classic.
by Daneatsfood March 30, 2004
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Music made before Women turned into bitches!
I dont think a classic rock song would be made for paris hilton, or any other stuck up bitch who has this " to hip for the room attitude"
by T. Nadeau April 16, 2006
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A genre of rock music consisting of bands from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. A genre most people today put upon the highest pedestal, forcing others to accept their opinion that it's "the greatest music to ever be put on a vinyl record" or otherwise. I like classic rock myself, but I don't shove my views on it down other people's throats.
Person: Yeah Green Day! They're awesome!
Person: Jesus Christ chill.
by A Little Pinprick July 14, 2006
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A silly sub-"genre" of music created by radio. Unfortunately, the radio format does not live up to its name, as most of these classic rock stations play music by bands that are more "dated" than "classic". Also, most classic rock stations neglect to play classic punk or classic metal, opting to play pop rock and hair metal bands, that, as mentioned above, are more dated than classic. Unfortunately, listening to classic rock radio is somewhat of a neccesary evil in order to get acquainted with some of the timeless bands that have sprung out of rock's past. However, as illustrated in the example, it is hard at first for an ear that is mainly weaned on MTV commercial bands to distinguish the difference between dated and classic, as many dated bands have the same instant appeal as today's mainstream bands have as well.
Classic rock noob: I love Led Zeppelin, Motley Crue, Styx, and Pink Floyd!

Seasoned rock veteran: Be very glad I do not have a good memory.

Classic rock noob: What's wrong with Motley Crue and Styx? They have guitar solos!

Seasoned rock veteran: *sigh*


No longer classic rock noob: I love Led Zeppelin, Megadeth, The Stooges, Bob Dylan, and Pink Floyd!

Seasoned rock veteran: Now that's more like it! You still listen to classic rock radio?

No longer classic rock noob: Nah, they play too many shit bands like Poison and Bon Jovi! I use the Internet now to find and listen to bands.

Classic rock fanboys, there is no reason not to expand and improve your musical tastes in this day and age. Quit being so closed minded.

by topraman517 June 13, 2007
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Music these days is too violent. Drugs, sex, killing or whining (emo) is all I hear on most radio stations these days.
by coo coo for coca puffs March 24, 2005
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Older rock music, which is technically from the mid-50s to the late 70s, or possibly the early 80s, although some argue that it is any rock more than 10 years old. Also the type of rock music that actually involves musical talent and good singing, as opposed to current rock
The Beatles, the Beach Boys, Elvis, Ray Charles, Righteous Bros, and other classic rock bands/artist... that's what good music is all about!
by Anaheimrockman April 30, 2006
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