Ever wonder where the kids with million dollar houses and hundred thousand dollar cars? Yeah, you've found the place. Charlotte Catholic is basically the school everyone sends their kids to so that they can get a good education, but they end up at ECU. Drugs are rampant, sex is everywhere, and bullying is horrible. Yet somehow, parents think they're doing the best for their little kiddies.

Also, fun fact. Ardrey Kell and Providence students on average take double the amount of advanced placement courses as Catholic kids.
Joe: "You going to the Charlotte Catholic High School football game?"
Bob: "Naaa, I'm going to stay home and procrasterbate."
by TheRealSlimShady(no,notthatone November 13, 2010
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Everyone who attends this school is bonkers. Absolute nutcase. The students here are comparable to monkeys in straight jackets. Lots of school spirit tho. Poor as hell.
"I'd never go to Port Charlotte High School. Everyone at that school has lost their minds"
by Yomamacurios August 27, 2021
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