In north atlanta,

The most preppy,luxurious,wasp part of atlanta. It is known as where "Old money lives and young money parties". But if i can please ask if your ghetto or trailer trash dont go up there. The locals dont want u up there and you dont belong. Its mainly a place for the preppys and rich of georiga. It is known for its expensive malls (lenox square, phipps plaza) large homes, and great resturents. Its a great place to be if you have some money otherwise you will most likey have a misrible time.
Buckhead Atlanta, Georgia, 30305
by JonnyWA September 17, 2006
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The more elite community of ATL,known for its mansions and rich families. Contrary to popular belief, not all of buckheads offspring are stuck-up name brand addicts. I would know.Though many kids to go to private schools like Westminister and Lovett, there is also a large group at the suprisingly good group of public scools like SMS, and NAHS. It has many great restaurants and excellent shopping. I love living in buckhead!
Buckhead Diner
by ladychacha905 April 25, 2009
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when there is some phat ass lump on the bluds heads.
See dat boys buck.
blud lets grips his buck
blud you're a buckhead
boy in year 7
by captain will October 14, 2005
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A female living in the Buckhead area that usually comes from money, marries into money, or constantly searches for their MRS. They are very sheltered and close-minded. Buckhead Betty rarely ventures outside of their comfort zone or try new things. They can usually be found in tennis skirts and Michael Kors jewelry, sipping mimosas with their girlfriends while the rest of society is at work. They love sushi, but will only order California rolls.
I was going to meet up with Erica downtown today but traffic was too bad for her and she refused to use public transportation. I'm shocked at how quickly she's turned into a Buckhead Betty. Bless her heart cause its not flattering.
by owl always love you September 9, 2013
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Referring to those hoochie mamas that go out dressed like hookers in Buckhead (the trendy Atlanta nightspot).
You could smell the herd of Buckhead Beef crossing the street before you could see them.
by Niello August 28, 2003
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The douchebaggy hair style of everyone who goes to Lovett, Westminster, or Pace, where they grow their hair out long enough to flip it constantly into place.
Dude that kid is such a prick.
Yeah, look at his Buckhead Flip
by ThaRealATL October 5, 2009
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An extreme form of soccer mom found in Buckhead, hence the name. Often borderline-extremist baptists. Noted for their use of HEAVY makeup and their aversion to anything even remotely non-christian. Their kids fall into two categories.

1.The kids who blindly accept whatever their parents say. These people usually resort to violence against anyone who challenges their beleifs. (yes I'm speaking from experience)

2.The kids who relize that heir parents are full of shit, usually resulting in the kid becoming a burn, goth, revolutionary, or misanthropic writer/musician (and I don't mean emo kid by that.).

It should also be noted that coming into contact with these people for an extended period of time can produce the same results. Case in point: Me.
That bitch with 10 pounds of eyeshadow on and the oversized cross necklace is a Buckhead Betty.
by Mr.knowitall November 4, 2007
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