Guy: what's up bro?!
Girl: I'm not a guy...
Guy: sorry I mean broho!

She's my broho.
My girlfriend is my best broho.
by KYenn2 July 11, 2012
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Verb- when a bro is acting and embracing his internal hoe!
Kevin is brohoeing, he is texting Caitlin while sitting on a dinner table with Bruce and Ramy
by RamyKila January 29, 2016
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A bro is a stereotypical southern californian male who gets plastered, wears cargo shorts and sandles, hangs out either on-campus at State all day( or on a surfboard)and drives a truck uneccsarily (typically "lifted"). He tends to date what is called a "BROHO". She will date anyone who can provide her with ample amounts of Bud Light, Coors, or vodka. She wears very trendy clothing that doesn't necessarily fit her correctly and likes to "parti".
"I was at Saks Fifth Avenue the other day, and there was this totally trashy chick in foam platforms and a trucker hat bitching at the Louis Vuitton counter. Her boyfriend kept talking about a Kegger. What a BroHo!"
by Melynda Frye September 20, 2004
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A female who is most definitely a bro. Tolerates the female species but prefers to be with chill guys rather annoying ditzy girls. Pays for brew and weed. As well as keeps up with the boys.

Ulitimately an awesome wing man for all her bros.
Jimmy: Sorry babe, I would invite you but it's a guys night.

Sarah: Then why is Julie going?

Jimmy: She's one of the guys .. She's a broho.
by True Broho August 3, 2011
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a girl who hangs out with bros aka dirtbike riders
usually smoke weed and drink,like cheeta print,have half blond half black hair,say dude in every sentence,are NOT virgins,wear brands like SRH,SKIN,NO FEAR,SO.CAL,ECT.
brohoe 1:dude i was so fucked up yesterday.

regular kid: dude you are a poser
brohoe 1:no i swear we hit the bong too.
by Janese G. December 23, 2007
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girls that chill with the bros.
bros being the stuck up, conservative, cocky jocks.
jock cocks.
these girls usually wear an excessive amount of makeup and hollister, are extremely loud and irritating, wear uggs every single day, straighten there hair every day, attend every single school sporting event to support "their boyz" and are too dumb to realize that the guys they hang out with only chill with them cause they think they will get their dicks sucked.
brohoes are the worst hoes.
Damnnnnnn look at those brohoes in the basketball bleachers.. bein bitches.
by ihatebrohoes March 25, 2010
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