when someone does something stupid, annoying, weak, cheap, gay, and/or bitchy
matt got pissed and punched me in the arm with his huge ass class ring

will had a hissy-fit when he got hit with that ball, what a bitch move
by Been Jammin March 7, 2006
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When a classmate does not give you the answers to a really hard test
That was a bitch move for not giving me the answers.
by TobyZZZ May 3, 2007
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a self-serving decision which ultimately classifies that person as a b*tch
Bitch Move
Hanging together...putting it on the line.
Bitch Move!
I'll always remember, me and my friends at Bitch Move.
by Jay555999 October 16, 2008
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N. When during a game of chess someone uses a queen to kill a pawn
V. The act of going up to someone and bitching about current affairs to the extent that they have to move away from you... Thereby freeing space near you
Dammit Derrek... It was just a pawn with dreams of becoming a queen... that was a bitch move
by sammy_k49 June 4, 2016
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When a guy thinks he got to take a shit so he sits on the toilet to find out he didn't and all he did was piss.
Unknown to DeandreQuan today would be the day he would pull a bitch move.
by ThatStellyBoy January 6, 2016
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When you see a helicopter in COD Warzone, and you managed to ping the pilot instead of the helicopter itself.
I just made a bad bitch move dude, you should have seen it!
by Min9us March 18, 2021
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A jerky move done by another person.
Amanda: Your a whore!
Krista: Total bitch move!
Steve throws a pencil.
Ken: Total bitch move!
by Shatzy Shell March 26, 2008
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