This isn't my birthday btw. People born on August 21st usually seem a little quiet but are very confident and playful. Very fun to be around, and ocasionally a bit annoying ;) Sorry I cannot spell..
"Oh is that y/n?"
"Yeah they were born August 21st!"
"Oh cool! I bet they are super nice."
"Yeah, but they can be a bit irritating occasionally."
"Oh yeah."
by Indieee <33 April 25, 2022
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"Hey guess what"
"It's August 21"
"So what"
"It's Heaven's bday"
"Oooooo I'm snitching"
by Clicketyclicketycliiiiiiick October 17, 2019
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Hey Jose, I love having you as a friend! It is August 21!
by Yeeter yeet August 5, 2021
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National eat pussy day... the day where you find the girl of your life or a one time person and eat them the fuck out...
Boy: Heyy, it's August 21!

Her: What about it?

Boy: Its National Eat Pussy Day!
by SneakyLink<3 August 19, 2021
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