n. an individual who, when in an argument, just makes up statistics and quotes from authorities on the subject so they look correct
v. to make up statistics or quotes to appear more correct
n. Dan is such an ass monkey; there's no way that CNN had an exit poll that said that 87% of Americans want socialism.
v. I totally ass monkeyed through that test. There's no way Mrs. Clark will know that Teddy Roosevelt actually never said anything about anarchy's role in society.
by Monday's Dusk February 22, 2009
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A "kiss ass", "brown noser". A person who is trying to impress someone by following them around...closely.
by Anonymous August 26, 2003
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Someone who constantly follows someone else around and agrees with everything they say and do.
"hey, should we invite Ben around tonight?"

"nah, his ass monkey Matt will have to come too."

"oh yeah. let's not."
by turnip bukowski September 26, 2006
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Small monkey like creatures the size of leprichauns who crawl around your ass while your asleep. ass monkeys usually wedgie guys in tighty whites or chicks wearing g's or thongs. As monkers are also the reason lint appears in your ass. If you capture an ass monkey it will play poker with you.
*Chick* I got such a wedgie last night
*guy* Me to, I blame ass monkeys
*Chick* You were tighy whites? You a fag nerd
by PAki chan June 3, 2005
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in my opinion an ass-monkey has not one but two definitions;
1.someone that follows someone else around and won't leave them alone.
2.a type of flea that hangs around in your arse hair.
" i have to go and feed the ass-monkeys that live in my arse with the dried shit that is incrusted in my arse pubes.""
by lee! November 23, 2003
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1) A person, a male, that is always hanging around other peoples asses; usually with the goal of having intercourse with that persons ass; ass clingy

2) A sex position where two gay guys are having anal sex doggy style, and the male on top is using his feet and hands to keep himself mounted on the other male. The ass monkey is the one portrayed as a monkey. It is common for ass monkeys to have AIDS. Sometimes the ass monkey could swing down from his mounting place and have some banana and grapes to eat.
1) Bob is such an ass monkey, he just won't stop following Sarah.

2) The man expertly performed an ass monkey
by TheGeniousRock May 11, 2016
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