anyone who dares to express disagreement with Trump followers. While at the same time blaming the other side entirely for any problems.
example: Donald Trumps response to Charlottesville
Trump follower: I was at a peaceful demonstration . I only had a helmet, riot shield and a gun to protect myself and an alt-left thug with a can of mace sprayed me .

Trump follower 2: They should all be locked up.
by Morbid Curiosi August 15, 2017
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A mystical youtube rabbit hole that leads young men into a downward spiral of radical beliefs.
My cousin Johnny went down the alt left pipeline and now he is a meninist
by BUNDOfrundo December 26, 2022
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Traditional math questions alt-right politicians blame for their bad or negative influence on students, which create math anxiety or instill the fear factor in them.
In most cases, semi-numerate politicians themselves are clueless how to solve these alt-left math questions, who often attribute the high innumeracy rate among certain racial or religious groups to pure laziness and poor study habits.
by MathPlus August 17, 2017
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Something that doesn't exist. There is no such thing as the "alt-left"
Jerry: This alt-left ANTIFA shit is the real fascism man!
Tommy: Jerry how do you feel about immigration?
Jerry: uhhhhh
by Gnome Chomski April 30, 2020
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A term you use to describe an non existent group of violent people when you're a racist but also POTUS the alt-right did commit a crime against humanity and you need to find a BS excuse not to condemn the nazis actions.
There were violence on many sides. What about the 'alt-left' that came charging at the, as you say, the 'alt-right'?
by Chillo_DE August 18, 2017
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"Alt" is German for "old". Alt-left is Old Left, in the form it existed before 1990. Alt-left supporters do not want identity politics, SJW or other modern stupidity. Alt-left supporters want Communist revolutions and Five-year Plans, they remember that class struggle is about class as it exists in political economy, not some kind of "gender" and other imaginary constructs.
The Alt-left know that "cultural Marxism" is neither Marxist nor cultured.
by Aurora Nikolaevara369 May 18, 2017
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Also Pittsburgh Right; Streets or roads in Pittsburgh that make sudden turns yet keep the same name; note the difference between the traditional definition of Pittsburgh Left (the act of allowing oncoming drivers at interesctions to make a left turn in front of you). For newbies to the city, this alternate meaning of Pittsburgh Left or Pittsburgh Right allows them to understand the strange topography of city streets. The differing definitions can only be understood in context:
"Follow Forbes Avenue past Carnegie Mellon down from Squirrel Hill. Be careful by CMU; Forbes takes a Pittsburgh Left (alt.) but it's still Forbes."
by mookie131313 May 21, 2008
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