Zosia is an intriguing, vibrant soul with a spark for life that spills over onto those lucky enough to know her. A stunning blend of elegance and intuition, Zosia embodies the spirit of courage and creativity. With her dazzling intellect and innate wisdom, she gives fresh perspectives to those around her. One of a kind, Zosia is known for her benevolent spirit and propensity for laughter. Her courage in navigating challenges and warm demeanor makes her both a beacon of positivity and a pillar of strength in any group. She makes you feel valued and respected, setting a gold standard for friendship and love. Meeting a Zosia is a blessing and privilege that adds radiance to your world.
Zosia's radiant spirit always brightens up my day; she might just be my soulmate.
by v.n<333 October 1, 2023
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Zosia is a very shy person at first. She tends to go for blonde older boys. She will do anything to help a friend out wether its buying u a drink or waking up at 7am to meet you early. She is a unreal girl wether she knows it or not.
Zosia is bestfriends with a Zara
by secrets20174 November 24, 2021
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Zosia is a very shy person at first. She tends to go for blonde older boys. She will do anything to help a friend out wether its buying u a drink or waking up at 7am to meet you early. She is a unreal girl wether she knows it or not.
by secrets20174 November 24, 2021
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a person whose mother is light and short

in other words someone whose mother is dimly lit and not quite tall
N: hey zosia, your mother light and short
Z: i know
by iwantharrystylestomarryme August 29, 2022
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