A name common in muslims: meaning, One who remembers/worships, remembrance
A religious scholar is a very Zakir person.
by mind.your.own.business.com March 23, 2008
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When you or your partner leave the room during sex and then re-enter by scurrying in on the floor and squeaking like a rat
Last night my husband pulled a dirty Zakir on me!
by Jenny Taylor September 20, 2021
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a kind of guy that are so mysterious. it is so hard to open up about him. but, he is so kind-hearted person who understand a lot. good listener and soft-spoken. really likes to blame himself even it is not even his fault. he deserves better <3
i like to talk to shahrul zakir because he understand me a lot.
by AdamRobert99 November 23, 2021
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Zakir Naik world religion comparison preacher

Whom according to BBC.com on 6th January 2020, Cyclone is his biggest fan, whom is in Ara's Server
"Hello it's Cyclone zakir Naiks biggest fan!"
"Hello Cyclone you seem like a Zakir Naik fan"
"Are you a Zakir Naik meme dealer?"
"Zakir Naik fans are widely based"
by Cambridgeauthority January 25, 2021
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Zakir Naik is a preacher with religions
He has fans but the title Zakir Naik fan is a role given to a community or selfhoods self
A Zakir Naik fan example: "It's Cyclone from islamic community I heard he's a big Zakir Naik fan"
"Oh look! It's Cyclone, him and Ara are a big Zakirs r Naik fan"
by Cambridgeauthority January 25, 2021
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Zakir Abdul Karim Naik is an Indian Islamic televangelist and preacher who answers good questions.
The brother asked a very good question - Dr. Zakir Naik
by Green1983 October 3, 2020
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The legend that remembers everything from the Qur'an, the Bible, the Torah, etc..
Yoo, bro, I got A+ on a Physics test

Yeah, no sh*t! You're like Dr. Zakir Naik
by Dakjad May 1, 2019
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