To completely and utterly fucking obliterate somebody in a fight
Dude shut up before I fuckin Vossi Bop ur shit
by Alex Slettdawg May 29, 2019
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It’s fucking slang for CORVOUISIER cuz its our brudda Stormzy favorite DRANK YAHEARD
by 999nao February 23, 2020
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When a man (gay preferably) arrives at your house with a blow pop and sticks it in your ass until you are forced to shit it out.
Hey bro you wanna play some melee and Vossi bop each other?
by Vossi Booper September 6, 2023
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eine vossi ist eine exponente der pussy, verhält man sich also wie eine extreme pussy wird man als vossi bezeichnet
Can you ask someone a question for me? - Then you are a vossi
by vaekek May 3, 2021
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Vossie is a real niggar he is poes stout in class and wil always be there for you he is a crack head but really good at nw and he is a real nigga
by Vileen is a fat bitch April 22, 2021
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