a best friend ,
not only a best friend.
but a GREAT best friend.
aka tyler , i love him (:
that tyla is a MHB ,
by amber rae MHB April 21, 2008
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A crazy wild child

A stalker
Someone who has no chill at all
Tyla is a wild child.
by Cupcake980 November 8, 2017
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Blonde ass bitch that takes no one's shit.
No patience, tolerance for stupidity, and
has weird obsessions over boys and arm hair.
Can be shy at first, but once corrupted, they'll
never go back.
Wow, way to be like a Tyla.
by Maria Vagia April 2, 2009
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tyla: also known as tyles

very loud laugh, somewheat resembling godess from stone age of egypt

this not so creative girl is very beautiful with long lushous blonde locks.

she can get any guy she wants with the sexy way she bops her shoulders in clubs ;)

she can whip a guy with just one peircing gaze from across the dance floor.

she has a very tall tanned lanky model body fit for victoria secrets. step aside miranda, giselle heree comes tyla!!!
person one: see that girl that just chockd on that water bottle lid

person two: she such a tyla

persone one: babeeeeeee

example two:

1)owch, something just stabbed me the heart from across the dance floor
2) dudee you just got a tyla stare... hot man hotttt!!

hookin shes a babe
by prude and trude co. July 8, 2009
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Tylae is a very important person in one's life. She is full of shit and talks trash half her life but other half she also talks shit. Everybody loves tylae because of her good energy and positive vibezz.
Omg that girl is talking shit... She must be a tylae.
by Charouboi August 28, 2020
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Shave that mullet Tyla ya fucking eshay
by -yxldx September 17, 2019
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