A Transracial is someone who pretends to be another race in order to gain opression points,because they think it's cool or edgy or have a dull personality akin to linoleum curling want to seem slightly interesting. Often Transracial people are part the myriad of special sniwflake tumblrinas and tumblrites roaming around such as transagers,otherkin,fictionkin,headmates and transtrenders. They often believe that race is social construct just as much as gender,age,and other biological immutable triats.
Rachel Dozal is one the biggest transracials
by ryukage99 October 21, 2017
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A person that believes or chooses to "become" the race that they are not the race that they were born as.
Amos became obsessed with Trinidad and Puerto Rico after several sex tours and hanging out with junkies he now identifies as a Transracial Trinidadian Puerto Rican.
by HeyMzTFNY April 19, 2021
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Anyone whose physical makeup, emotional, racial, and/or self-expression is in conflict with current cultural racial stereotypes and racial norms, similar to transgender and sexual norms.
1. A transracial transcends cultural racial norms.

2. Elizabeth Warren has truly become the Caitlyn Jenner of the transracial movement by actively embracing Cherokee culture and being so passionate and active in American Indian causes. If she wins in 2020, she will become America's first female, Native American, and transracial president.
by dgeldon January 23, 2017
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If you're transracial, it means you've changed your race from what it was before. Transracial is not a real thing and I think that it is racist.
"I am Kayla and I'm transracial. I now identify as an Asian, if transgender people can change their gender then I can too!"
by PinkStrawberryPrincess April 26, 2022
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Uncle Ruckus is biologically Black but self identifies as a white person trapped in a black body. He is transracial
by Kotarojujo069 December 13, 2022
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the word transracial was created by dumb white people (Americans more specifically) thinking that you can change your race...but if you are here for real answers, transracial is not a real thing.
White person: I am transracial, I identify as Japanese now

People that actually have a brain in their head: shut the fuck up.
by Shroomlights October 27, 2021
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denoting or relating to a person whose self-identity does not conform unambiguously to conventional notions of their birth race
By altering his facial features and skin color, Michael Jackson is the first pop culture icon known for his transracial appearance.
by JenBunnee January 28, 2016
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