A word for getting killed or otherwise being taken out of action in a space combat game. Comes from having to get in your escape pod.
Commander: Attack bombers!
Me: I'd love to, but I'm podded.
by Technomancer January 1, 2005
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slang for "partner". Means friend or partner. Comes from the Cajun slang, "pod-nah". You often here this used in golf.
Hey what's goin on pods? You down to play the back nine?" or "Great shot pods!" or "Hey, you're my pods today!
by BBN11 November 8, 2010
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(Verb) To POD:
To remove the ex-boyfriend/husband/wife from your home or life via a Portable On Demand Storage (POD's) unit.
POD, PODding, PODded
I PODded my ex-boyfriend.
I'll POD You!
I'm PODding him.
by Javier Reynaldos July 17, 2006
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The absolute highest level of trust. So much so that you put it on juul pods. If you lie on pods you must buy that person a pack.
“Yo, on pods I didn’t steal you’re juul
by Mc niglet December 12, 2017
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A prefix added to a person's name to indicate that he or she is not acting typically. Has the same origin as pod person.
That must have been pod-Justin you met; usually he's a complete asshole.
by Heptune May 11, 2005
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A term in used in the MMORPG EVE Online to describe the act of having your capsule (or pod) destroyed.
Damn, I just got podded!
by Jaymes Keller February 3, 2011
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A strange sexual act performed on others after difficult tests.
Courtney was podding Justin after the history test.
by Nellie Kenkar January 14, 2017
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