Some place where u tell ur girlfriend to meet you and you ditch her
Him: meet me at the water fountain after school
Her: ok

*3 hours later*

He doesn’t show up
by Heyyyyyyyyyyyu March 13, 2020
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When someone has a mouthful of semen, spits out up into the air in an arc like a water fountain.
... aaaaaaaaand as a grand finale the prostitute pulled off a Tallahassee Water Fountain with perfect form.
by DIlJoSam February 1, 2020
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When you are getting head from your girl and the split second before you ejaculate you upper cut that bitch, resulting your dick getting bit off. That's when your jizz and blood spew out like a water fountain.
It did hurt a little when she bit my penis off, but she sure did enjoy my chinese water fountain.
by moneymanizel$2$ April 21, 2016
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raising a drink above your eyes and then opening your mouth and pouring the drink into your mouth.

drinking from a friend's bottle water or can without putting it to your lips. Giving them the curtsy of not giving them your germs but accepting theirs.
Person (1) hey can drink some of your bottled water ? Person (2) no way man ! I don't want your germs all over it. Person (1) it's ok I will water fountain drink.
by Manwell7979 March 28, 2013
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A sexual act involving two partners wherein one partner does a prolonged handstand and allows the second person to insert approximately 40-50 ice cubes down their anus. Once all the ice cubes have been tucked into place, allow 5 minutes for the ice to melt. Now, person 2 will reach around the abdomin of person 1 and squeeze tightly as if performing the Heimlich Maneuver. If all goes according to plan, a blast of cold water will shoot from partner 1's anus. Partner 2 should try to catch as much of the water in his/her mouth as possible. Swallowing is optional.
Chuck promised to give me a Cosby Sweater if I allowed him to drink from the Cold Water Fountain.
by Circadian Hour March 22, 2008
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Urinating into the mouth of someone performing fellatio, after ejaculation.
Ryan: I can't believe she asked for a Protestant water fountain!

TimTim: She must have been thirsty.
by sucifer February 5, 2010
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