Person 1: Hey can I poke your weenus
Person 2: Yes
Person 1: *pokes weenus*
Person 2: Ohhhhh yeahhhhh ohhhhhh yeahhhhh
Person 1: we are the WPP
Person 2: yes pls
by HubbleTheSquid April 23, 2019
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For when something is so mind blowing that you can't express it properly,
WPP, he just pulled a NO U!!!
by Baitrix August 18, 2020
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Well-Produced Production.

Antonym of PPP.
Did you see that MTV commercial? It was a WPP.
by The Grammar Nazi December 10, 2001
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WPP also known as "White Pussy Parade". Term associated with a non-white male who has successfully hooked up with one or multiple white women. Most commonly used in association with an ethnicity that is not known to hook up or is stereotypically unpopular with white females (e.g., Asian, Indian).
For example, "Ping likes to march in the WPP on a frequent basis".
by WPPKilla January 27, 2010
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